Friday, July 5, 2013

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority has issued Marine Notice No 10/2013 to advise mariners of the transition of the Australian Ship Reporting System (AUSREP) to the Modernised Australian Ship Tracking and Reporting System (MASTREP) as prescribed in Marine Order 63 (MASTREP) 2013, which will take effect on 1 July 2013.
AUSREP commenced in 1973 in line with Australia's obligations under the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) as a ship reporting system and is operated by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) through the Australian Rescue Coordination Centre (RCC Australia) in Canberra.
For 40 years AUSREP has served the needs of both Australia and mariners, but over that time requirements have changed and on 1 July 2012 AUSREP commenced the transition to MASTREP. In the first phase of the transition, Australia introduced requirements allowing for the use of Automatic Identification System (AIS) technology, which automates ships' positional reporting, increasing the timeliness and accuracy of data allowing coverage of a greater number of ships operating within the Australian search and rescue region.
In phase two, to commence 1 July 2013, MASTREP will replace AUSREP as Australia's internationally recognised ship reporting system. Ships will be required to report via AIS but will no longer be required to submit Sailing Plans and Final Reports as AIS data transmissions include both static and dynamic data which provide timely, detailed information while eliminating manual reporting obligations.
MASTREP Application and Obligation to Report
The AUSREP area and the MASTREP area are the same and the requirement to report applies to each of the following vessels while in the MASTREP area:
a regulated Australian vessel;
a foreign vessel from its arrival at its first port in Australia until its departure from its final port in Australia.
Domestic commercial vessels fitted with GMDSS and AIS are also encouraged to participate in the system as MASTREP assists AMSA in carrying out its search and rescue activities.
Position Reports are to be transmitted by AIS. The master of a ship, to which Regulation 19.2.4 of Chapter V of SOLAS applies, must ensure the ship is fitted with a system to automatically transmit the following information:
    i.     identity;
    ii.     type;
    iii.    position;
    iv.    course;
    v.    speed;
    vi.    navigational status;
    vii.   safety related information.
As per regulation of Chapter V of SOLAS, AIS must be operated taking into account the Guidelines for the onboard operational use of shipborne AIS adopted by IMO Resolution A.917(22)as amended by IMO Resolution A.956(23).
The master of a ship must report any malfunction of the ship's AIS equipment to RCC Australia in accordance with Section 186 of the Navigation Act 2012.
Further information and guidance on the ship reporting requirements is outlined in the MASTREP Quick Reference Guide.
Copies of the MASTREP Guide can be accessed at the following website:
Source: AMSA

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