Monday, May 5, 2014

Loch M. Fraser is committed to providing our clients with the most up to date information on both Customs regulations and their obligations for quarantine and tariff duty payments when importing products to Australia.
We commit ourselves to understanding all clients businesses and products to ensure they remain competitive within their industry. This is attained by looking closely into their products and minimizing customs duty where possible to give our clients a competitive edge.
Loch M. Fraser understands the complexities involved with regular Customs Clearance and also has the expertise with a team of Customs Tariff Consultants offering tariff assessment services and Customs Tariff Audits to ensure goods are cleared in the correct manner.

Our Tariff Advice Services include:

• Customs Tariff Audits
• Customs Tariff Consultancy
• Ensuring clients are clearing goods correctly
• Ensuring clients applying the right duties
• Tariff Concession Applications
• EPBS (Enhanced Policy By-Law Applications)
• Tariff Valuation and Tariff Advice Applications
• Drawbacks
As part of our on-going diligence to all clients, we are always available to discuss how trade can be simplified by reducing costs and providing the most up to date information possible.
For all existing clients we provide an ongoing health check on regular imports to ensure all imports have the correct tariff classification and for new clients Loch M. Fraser can provide a Customs Tariff Audit free of charge to ensure prior imports have been handled correctly.
Under Australian Customs regulations, any duty overpaid can be refunded within four years of importation. Likewise underpayment can result in heavy penalties. We provide a written report of actions required and charge on percentage of margin on monies found.

If you have questions regarding the Tariff Advise Services , or any other of our services, please do not hesitate to contact our National Sales Team:

Melissa Sharp      M: 0421 759 107 or  13000LOCHM
John Scodellaro   M: 0413 151 966 or 13000LOCHM
Stevan Stojanovic M: 0412 368 071 or 13000LOCHM

"All business undertaken is subject to Company's Standard Trading Conditions, which may limit or exclude the Company's liability and contain indemnities benefiting the
Company, copies of which are available upon request or checkout"

Rates subject to change without notice.

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