Thursday, January 5, 2017
Port of Melbourne recently completed a significant wharf restructure as part of the expanded automotive hub redevelopment at Webb Dock West

The redevelopment - part of the Port Capacity Project - has converted Webb Dock West from a single berth floating pontoon configuration into a three-berth 920 metre continuous wharf.

This new world-class quay-line will facilitate Victoria's import and export automotive trade. In 2015-16 the Port handled more than 372,000 new motor vehicles.

The works included pile removal, dredging, wharf and deck re-construction and were undertaken in stages enabling shipping and terminal operations to continue uninterrupted.

The new-look wharf complements the international roll-on roll-off auto terminal at Webb Dock West as well as the import pre-delivery inspection hub, which has been consolidated into the one location at the northern end of Webb Dock.

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